Gem Elixers – Vibrational Blends by Ginger Hollow
Today many people sincerely believe that various types of crystals can assist in body/mind/spirit integration to enhance the quality of life. Influencing this thinking are:
- the study of atomic and sub atomic particles, theoretical and quantum physics which research the existence and movement of energy even in things appearing to be inert, like rock and crystal, or empty space;
- philosophies that explore universal and personal energy fields called vibrational medicine;
revelations from ancient traditions which used crystals as sacred power objects for healing and protection; - the very real emotional lift and pleasure we feel when viewing or handling beautiful crystals;
- the growing use of stones and crystals in alternative healing methods.
Energy specialists today are creating gem elixirs by placing crystals into essential oils so that the energy of the crystals will positively influence the essential oils that are already powerful in their own way. This adds an extra dimension of awareness to strengthen the intention of the user.
When crystals are available some of the Ginger Hollow essential oils are made as gem elixirs-vibrational blends. For best results each bottle should be “charged” by the user. Simply hold the bottle upright between the palms of the hands and gently roll it back and forth a few times concentrating upon the purpose for which the oil will be used. Formulate a short positive statement to express this and repeat it 7 times. Do this the first time each day that the oil is used. It helps to focus thoughts for the day and create a sense of calm to deal with stress.